Automatic Grinder (AGP-93DD)
- Supports a maximum probe card size of 643X564mm.
- Driven by a stepper motor, the machine moves along the Z-axis to the needle tip position. The grinding motor drives the grinding platform to grind the probe surface.
- With Glttek software, it is possible to measure the probe tip position (Z-axis height) and probe length of the probe card.
- The feed handwheel allows for quick and accurate movement to the desired position.
- Parameter-based control simplifies operations for personnel.
- Easy management through the establishment of part numbers.
- Grinding recipes can be stored for consistent regrinding of the same product.
- Automatic measurement of grinding height eliminates personnel factors, enhancing the consistency of product grinding.
If you have any inquiries or questions,
please contact Us and we will get in touch with you soon.